Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fifteen Minutes of Fame

I can understand why some people want fame. It comes with lots of "Love", though not the real thing, from people that only want to feel special themselves by getting close to someone Famous. It is a two way street. The famous want the "Love", and the not famous willing to tell them what the want to hear are looking for fame. Today they do not even care if the fame they are getting is for something negative and that only fifteen people know. The fact that they were famous even for a short while is enough. Are we that starved for attention and love that we are willing to sell ourselves for any attention no matter how little to feel good about ourselves.

The people putting this stuff out there for the public (the masses) to see will continue to do it as long as there is money to be made. It is after all the bottom line isn't it? Where is the depth in our relationships that we need this shallow stuff? Why do we enjoy watching someone Else's pain? I share Megan's view of a celebrity. Someone that has paid their dues. Someone that has done something positive to make at least my life a little better with some beautiful music with meaning or a wonderful performance in a movie. Today there is too much "truthiness" and not enough "truth.


  1. Today fame can attract good things for those who earn it and sometimes v very bad things. Just look at Justin Bieber and the young women claiming he is the father of her baby. Your whole life is broadcast for all of the world to see.

  2. Do people always broadcast everything in hopes of making money? Does it always come down to that?
