Saturday, December 3, 2011

English Composition 101

This is just a little note about the class I started in September. English has always been one of my favorite subjects all the way through school. Taking this college level class has been a real challenge. My life has changed in many ways since I began this class. Having this class to focus on has helped me keep my mind focused on other things instead of the current issues I am dealing with. I have learned to express myself better and with a lot more ease. The work I have produced has always been with a lot of effort but not always with the best technical skill. I have learned a lot from this class.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Movie Pick: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Star Trek: This has been a series that I have watched since it came out in
 re-runs in the early 70's. There I go dating myself again. Science Fiction has always been one of my favorite type of books, movies and TV shows since I was a child. I remember watching TV shows like "Lost in Space" and going to the local movie theater to see "Robinson Caruso on Mars". Star Trek has been one of my favorites for many years. Each time a new TV series comes out for Star Trek I am sceptical at first. The Next Generation series and Star Trek Enterprise are two that I was hesitant to watch. After a couple of episodes I was hooked. I watch them over and over again. I picked the Star Trek movie above because it combines the old series with the movie story line. Richardo Montalban did a fabulous job on the TV series playing the part of Khan. He does and equally wonderful job in the Star Trek movie. Captain Kirk is going through a mid-life crisis which is something I can relate to. There are a lot of layers to this movie. I am looking forward to seeing it again.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Drake, hmmmm very interesting music. Take Care has deep lyrics and I like the  part Rihanna sings in the song. A song about love and the pain that sometimes goes with it. Not really my cup of tea but it is OK. I love music it is a big part of my life. Hip-hop and R & B is not something I would ever pick to listen to. U2, Fleetwood Mac, Joan Armatrading, this is what I like in music.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Toyota Prius Commercial

Toyota does a great job selling this car. They show harmony between people   the car and the earth. The colors are vivid. Using people as the flowers, to express the harmony, and implying that this car will help save the planet from global warming with less emissions. Appealing to the emotions getting us to think if we buy this car we are helping to save the planet. I love these commercials.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Modern Science and the Death Penalty

In ancient Israel the Law that God transmitted through Moses set the death penalty for certain serious offenses. However, the Law also provided for impartial judging, eyewitness testimony, and limits against corruption (no bribe taking and they were not to have different justice for the poor and the rich). The judges were to be devout men and were held accountable to God himself! As a result there were safeguards against abuses of the death penalty.


Today no government on this earth truly represents divine justice as ancient Israel did. But governments do in many ways act as God’s agents, in that they preserve a measure of order and stability and provide needed public services. They have the right to punish criminals -- even with death but do they have the ability? 

 Without the help of science Ronald Keith Williamson would still be in jail.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fifteen Minutes of Fame

I can understand why some people want fame. It comes with lots of "Love", though not the real thing, from people that only want to feel special themselves by getting close to someone Famous. It is a two way street. The famous want the "Love", and the not famous willing to tell them what the want to hear are looking for fame. Today they do not even care if the fame they are getting is for something negative and that only fifteen people know. The fact that they were famous even for a short while is enough. Are we that starved for attention and love that we are willing to sell ourselves for any attention no matter how little to feel good about ourselves.

The people putting this stuff out there for the public (the masses) to see will continue to do it as long as there is money to be made. It is after all the bottom line isn't it? Where is the depth in our relationships that we need this shallow stuff? Why do we enjoy watching someone Else's pain? I share Megan's view of a celebrity. Someone that has paid their dues. Someone that has done something positive to make at least my life a little better with some beautiful music with meaning or a wonderful performance in a movie. Today there is too much "truthiness" and not enough "truth.

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Wife Where Can I Find One?

"Wife".... Such a strange word........

It’s an interesting title. In 1972 when this article was written I was 17 years old. I burned my bra in the back yard that year. It’s the symbolism I know.

The definition of a wife written by Judy Brady is incredible. Who could live up to that? Yet, this is exactly what the men in 1972 wanted. Unfortunately many women believed that this was possible. It is interesting that the men get all of the benefits without the work. Here are some interesting facts about 1972.

¯      In 1972 HBO launched its first subscription cable service. Wow, has it been that long?  
We said pay for TV No Way! HA

¯      Digital Watches were first introduced.  

¯      The Volkswagen Beetle becomes the most popular car ever sold. I still would love to own a Yellow Bug.
¯      We saw the first scientific hand-held calculator (HP-35) $395.00. Yikes!

It was a very exciting time.

I remember believing what the media said at that time about liberation for women.

 It has not produced the positive results I expected. I was full of wonder and hope for the future. Yeah there are more jobs but not always equal pay. Women are still held back in the work force because of having children to take care of. Have you seen the movie Baby Boom with Diane Keaton? It came out in 1987. She was a super yuppie with a high paying job. The men in her company would not allow her to be a mother and an executive, even though she proved herself very fit for the job.

 Today we live in a world that sometimes does a disservice to our children. We buy into the notion that we can do it all. But the reality is something has to give. When we need our jobs the something usually is our home life. The women's movement of the 70's did some very good things for women. We have better pay, better jobs, more equality in education. Men had to look at the role of women in their lives. Many are stepping up to the plate to help out more at home. But if you look at the state of families today are we better off? Today it takes two paychecks just to make ends meet. Who is paying the price? Who wouldn't want a wife today?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Reading: Why is it so important to me?

One of life's greatest pleasures for me is reading. I find it very relaxing while at the same time invigorating. It takes me to far away places in my mind. I get to meet new people and visit for a short while in their lives. It wasn't always that way. As a small first grader my first contact with reading was not positive.Yet, despite that shaky start I learned not only to love reading but to share that love with my children. I didn't realize at the time how far reaching that love would be until I had grandchildren and now they too love to read.

 It is amazing how one negative experience in life can change you in a positive way. That change can then change others. It is very true that life is what you make it. I took my scary school experience as a six year old and turned it around. As much as I was affected by the actions of that first grade teacher I did not allow her behavior to take my love of reading from me. That is a testament to the power of the human spirit.